Feng Shui, (pronounced fung shway)
is the art of mindful design of our environment to enhance life giving chi.
Feng Shui may be Asian in origin, but its appeal is universal. The spaces where
we live not only reflect us but they nourish or deplete us because of the way
they make us feel. View your home as a metaphor for your relation to life.
Where there is darkness, bring light, where there is stagnation, create
movement, where there is confusion, bring clarity. As you improve these aspects
of your home, you are actually taking direct action to change your life for the
better. Nowhere is this more important than at the front door of the
The front door may be
considered the most important element for bringing life, energy and opportunity
into your life. Your front door is likened to the mouth of the body –
all nourishment comes through the front door. If your front door is so
situated that you cannot easily find it, this can mean that good luck will not
find you. Some houses are designed so that one drives into a garage and enters
the house from there. In Feng Shui, a garage is likened to the lower bowel
where things are stored, waiting to be eliminated. It is considered dangerous
to the health to enter a home in this backwards manner. Your front door
should be directly accessible and attractive so that beneficial guests can
easily find it.